Friday, April 23, 2010

Checking In

I'm back again after another period of silence. I have meant to write, but when the weekend ended, I had forgotten to. Lame excuse, I know, but there it is. As it is now, if things had gone as planned, I would not even be able to write now. Merilee and I were supposed to be camping at Capitol Reef through Sunday, but the bad weather scuttled those plans. We had a fun day yesterday while the weather lasted up here, going to the BYU Paleontology Museum and walking up by Bridal Veil Falls. I was able to take a few photos (including the one of Timp below) and the sun felt great. The bad thing is that Merilee caught a cold and had a low-grade fever last night. All in all, I guess everything worked out for the best, but I really could have used a few days out in nature to help recharge the ol' batteries, as it were. At least I am not at work and that has definitely been a blessing.

Today, with the weather as it has been, we have been taking it easy, relaxing, watching X-Files, and just doing whatever. Merilee feels a bit better, but still not well enough to go out and do a whole lot. Maybe tomorrow we can do something fun. Now we just have to make it through until July when we have our Yellowstone (and maybe Glacier) trip planned; that and Arches in October (keeping fingers crossed). That's all for now.