Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Another One Of Those Days

I think maybe I should start a blog just for writing about work. I could keep in totally private so no one saw it but me and that way I could keep work separate from this blog. I say that because I come to this post having survived another of those difficult days at work. It seems when I could use a nice, calm day the most, I get just the opposite. Today was very stressful and I am very glad it is over. Just three more days until a long weekend, then maybe I can relax.

Tomorrow is the big day for my blog. For the first time ever I will have posted something every day for an entire month (can you tell I am stretching for things to write about tonight?). It shows I can really meet goals I set for myself; I just need to be realistic in setting them. I like to write, so this one was not as difficult to obtain as others (exercise, for example).

The weatherman says we will have a cooler day on Thursday and I am looking forward to it. I am glad that we have not had a repeat of blistering summers of the past, but I am also eagerly anticipating the cool Autumn nights. It will make sleeping easier, for one thing, and I enjoy the warm days followed by the crisp, cool nights. I know I have said it before, but Autumn is my favourite time of year.

Seeing as I really don't have much else to say, I think I will sign off. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening.

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