Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Late Night Trial

Tonight I can't say that the last 24 hours has not been eventful. Last night, shortly after finishing up here, I had another flare-up of cellulitis. I always know when these attacks are coming on. From the time I started feeling it, I was just hoping I was feeling tired and that what I knew was happening was not really happening. By about 9:30PM last night, I was shivering under my blankets with fever. I knew what was happening and I spent the next little while in prayer, pleading that this would pass quickly and that I would not have a serious case. In the past, I have had my leg swell up to almost twice its normal size and each step was a new experience in pain. While laying down with my leg elevated, it was not too bad, but when I had to put my foot down to walk somewhere, it was excruciating. I did not want to go through that again, and I did not want to miss work. In my fevered delirium, I kept praying for my leg to be healed and for the fever to go down. After about 40 minutes, the fever came down and I was able to get some sleep, though not much. I know my prayers were answered because I have not had the swelling I have had in the past and my leg has not been as painful as with past episodes. I ended up missing work because I got very little sleep and I woke up with a terrible headache to go with the cellulitis. I still had a fever as well, though it was nowhere near as bad as it had been. I could not afford to miss work, but I was not well enough to go either. By resting today, it looks like my leg will be well enough tomorrow that I can work and I will only have one day without pay. I am very grateful that it has not been worse.

There have been times recently when I felt that my prayers went unheard; that I was somehow forgotten or had somehow made too many mistakes to matter anymore. Last night showed me that is not the case. From past experience, I know it could have been so much worse and it wasn't. My prayers were heard and answered, and for that I am most thankful.

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